
Downend & Fishponds Chess Club






1974-01-01 - Binks, Mike 0-1 Wise, Derek

In a complicated King's Indian Mike Binks tried to make some progress in the centre, but was rocked by an Exchange sacrifice releasing passed Pawns supported by two lethal Bishops.

1976-01-01 - Wise, Derek 1-0 Burnett, L

One of the outstanding games on this page. White's pieces suddenly engulf the Black King in a fashion that reminds one of Tal. <span class="bold">Wise's sacrifices made this the best game I have ever witnessed in 17 years of [WECU] Championship play.</span>

1985-11-24 - Burgess, Graham 1-0 Moore, G

Another Burgess win against the King's Indian. Theoretical knowledge and deep calculation a speciality, although Deep Rybka pokes its nose in at a vital moment. Much to learn here despite the brevity.

1985-10-10 - Wood, Chris ½-½ Wood, Michael

Another tactical adventure where it's difficult to see the forest for the Woods! Both players insist on gambits instead of finishing development - think about it! Mike goes two ineffective pieces up but his King is chased over to the a-file. In the time-scramble Chris misses several instructive wins.

1985-08-02 - Lane, Gary 0-1 Mordue, Tyson

Tyson's debut at the Paignton Congress against Paignton's finest player. Future IM Gary Lane allows his dark-squared Bishop to be swapped for a Knight in a c3 Sicilian. As the position opens up Tyson takes the initiative on the dark squares, and he quickly proves that if White hasn't developed his other bishop then he's going to be weak on the light squares as well. It's a wonder that Lane avoided material loss for as long as he did.

1985-02-26 - Hannon, Mark 0-1 Burgess, Graham

The first of a trio of games annotated by Graham Burgess. Graham plays what was then a rare line against the Trompovsky, quickly gets the initiative, and then mates his Pawn-grabbing opponent for a miniature.

1985-05-01 - Wheeler, George 0-1 Burgess, Graham

Another King's Indian featuring Graham Burgess. The position becomes more of a Sicilian Dragon and in a Queenless middle-game Graham has some pressure. A series of errors from Wheeler turns a slightly worse position into a loss within a mere five moves!

1985-01-01 - Palmer, Richard 0-1 Pearce, Andrew

This is one for the tacticians. It's another 'junior beats established senior' game from the club championship again. In a French Winawer both players make serious errors early on. Andrew weakens a lot of dark squares but Richard drops a Rook! However, the timing of taking the material is vital and Andrew, in making just a small error, gives Richard a strong attack on the weak dark squares. Intricate and long variations abound and this is the most analysed encounter on the page. This is not a game to spend five minutes on, but five hours might be worth it!

1985-09-19 - Garrett, Richard 0-1 Wood, Michael

An established player beats promising junior game! Richard Garrett tries to match Mike Wood for activity in the latter's favourite opening line. It goes wrong and Mike gets a huge Pawn on b2. All he has to do is chisel out the blockading Knight on b1, and he does this in style while keeping an eye on Richard's ingenious swindles.

1971-01-01 - Jarrett, D 1-0 Binks, Mike

A game from a well-respected player who was not a D&amp;F member. Dave Jarrett proves that if you lose a Pawn in the opening then you must get an open file for it. The former BCF president plays down that file in some style!

1985-03-01 - Burgess, Graham 1-0 James, Stephen

A sequel to James-Elliott elsewhere on this page. Probably still suffering from the shock of that game James makes a simple error and concedes after just 11 moves. Even experienced players and make fatal errors in the opening.

1985-04-05 - Mort, A 0-1 Burgess, Graham

Yet another spectacular Graham Burgess game. A Four Pawns King's Indian typically becomes a tense battle. In the time-scramble Graham shows far more resourcefulness that his opponent does.

1985-01-01 - Elliott, Sean 1-0 Gutteridge, T

In a slow manoeuvring Ruy Lopez Sean wins material with a neat tactic. Just as Black has a fleeting chance to set up what looks like a fortress he steps into a mate instead. Tyson's 35 moves worth of analysis proves Sean was winning anyway!

1983-08-12 - Burgess, Graham ½-½ Galloway, I

The second of Graham Burgess's Memorable trio from issue 10. Albin Counter-Attacks have a reputation for being explosive tactical games. This one doesn't disappoint and Deep Rybka has a field day exploring the long variations.

1984-01-23 - Burgess, Graham 1-0 Barton, R

The third of Graham's 'Memorable' games from Issue 10. This could probably be his Immortal Game. He attacks with everything he can but the game evaluation goes back and forth. The kitchen sink gets thrown in, but that bounces off. Finally Graham gets a last chance and Black gets flattened by the fridge - I mean a second Rook sacrifice!

1985-04-11 - Smith, Richard 0-1 Wood, Michael

Mike Wood defeats his opponent in classic coffee-house style in just 17 moves.

1985-06-04 - Marke, Terry 1-0 Hocking, D

Yet another game from a D&F Chairman. Terry Marke plays his then favourite Stonewall Attack. His opponent misplays the opening and comes under heavy attack after a fine Exchange sac. Terry momentarily fluffs it but is then gifted a second chance and walks all over the weakened dark squares, ironically without ever moving his Queen's Bishop!

1985-03-07 - Brigden, Michael 0-1 Mordue, Tyson

The decisive game from the 1984 Club Championship, although played in 1985! Mike sacs a Pawn early on but gets a good bind. He outposts an unchallengable Bishop on e6 while Tyson's own Bishop chokes on its own Pawns. The position opens up and all sorts of odd things happen. Tyson's Queen walk along Mike's back rank at the adjournment is one of them. When the counterattack finally comes in the e6 Bishop is isolated but the KID Bishop makes hay.

1984-11-14 - Powney, Colin 1-0 Kilmister, John

Colin Powney gives an excellent display of how to play against your own favourite Black defence with the White pieces. He goes forward all game against poor defence and Black is quickly mated.

1984-01-01 - New, Chris 0-1 Miller, George

wonderful and original game by previous chairman Chris New. Chris establishes two advanced passed Pawns very early on. He then consistently plays for the endgame and his King walks right into the heart of the Black position.

1984-01-01 - Guyatt, Fred 0-1 Humphreys, Jerry

An exciting game. Just as it looks that Jerry has it sewn up time-trouble intervenes. Fred finds a remarkable way to stay alive, then misses a draw while trying to win. Still, Jerry has to walk a tightrope with his flag hanging.

1984-01-01 - Spry, John 1-0 Waine, James

Another 1984 Club Championship featuring club regular John Spry against yet another junior James Waine. In the best style of Petrosian John fixes a weak Pawn, triples his major pieces on it, wins it and wins the endgame, all without allowing an iota of counterplay.

1984-08-30 - Binks, Mike 0-1 Garrett, Richard

And yet another junior v strong adult game. Young Richard is doing okay against his experienced opponent when he is allowed a spectacular tactic. As a result Mike has to abandon an Exchange but the attack that follows against his weakened Kingside is wonderfully executed.

1984-08-30 - Mordue, Tyson 1-0 Allison, Tim

This could have been another new junior beats experienced senior player game. It isn't. After missing a couple of difficult chances Tim fails to look a gift horse in the mouth. Instead he ends up on the receiving end of a Greek gift sacrifice by Tyson and gets mated.

1984-05-17 - Beaumont, Chris 0-1 Mordue, Tyson

Our best game from the 1984 Cup Final and another miniature. In a King's Indian Samisch Beaumont thinks that he making progress on the Kingside. Instead Tyson shows that White has actually hemmed his own Queen in by playing the very move that Beaumont thought he had just prevented!

1984-01-01 - Pickup, Ian ½-½ Brigden, Michael

The decisive game from the 1983-4 Club Championship. What starts out as a Pirc Defence transposes into a Sicilian Dragon. Mike outplays Ian, forces the Queens off, and has the better of the endgame. However, an oversight in time-trouble is what finally settles the game.

1984-06-14 - Handley, Michael 1-0 Kendall, Richard

Yet another junior v strong adult game. Mike walks all over another Grunfeld and the finish is very mature for such an inexperienced player.

1983-01-01 - Mordue, Tyson 1-0 Janes, J

Another correspondence game and another Ruy Lopez Moller. Black gets three Pawns for a piece early on in a sharp position. Then Tyson apparently leaves a Rook en prise. A classic example of line-opening tactics against an enemy King that has stayed in the centre too long.

1984-04-05 - Ojaroo, Ivan 0-1 Kendall, Richard

A Grunfeld Defence where it seems the D&amp;F player has it all his way until White sacrifices a Pawn in the ending. Some surprises in this one!

1979-10-01 - Hooker, S 0-1 Mordue, Tyson

Coffee-house chess. White blunders in a King's Gambit and his King takes a long walk unaided.

1983-01-01 - Palmer, Richard 1-0 Gomez, M

A National Club game and another King's Gambit. Black gets it all wrong but Richard takes advantage of a very unique opportunity. It's not everyday that you decline to take your opponent's Queen with check!

1984-04-05 - Humphreys, Jerry 1-0 Elliott, Sean

A tough battle in a Sicilian Najdorf. Jerry sacs an Exchange for a lasting initiative that eventually erodes the Pawn structure around Black's King. The end comes in a frantic time-scramble and Deep Rybka has plenty to say.

1982-08-01 - Shaw, R 0-1 Mordue, Tyson

The game starts as a Veresov. Very early on Tyson spots what the difference is from the main line of a critical Sicilian variation. The result is another King walk!

1983-10-01 - Macrae, Tony 1-0 Sellars, Martin

Yet another junior beats club senior game. In a hard-fought Queen's Gambit Martin takes the initiative on the Kingside. Tony defends well and slowly turns the tables.

1983-01-15 - Mordue, Tyson 1-0 Henley, Ron

At 69 moves easily the longest game on this page! Tyson's first win against a brand-new GM. A blocked French Defence leads to a long war of attrition. White is holding his own when Black suddenly blunders a piece. After a bit of regrouping the White Knights ride together through Black's position.

1983-01-01 - Cruickshank, Willie 1-0 Herbert, David

A cracking game of League chess. In a well-contested King's Indian Attack Herbert gets his blow in first, Willie counterattacks and Black goes down in flames during the time-scramble.

1983-01-01 - Tyack, R 0-1 Copeland, Graham

Another correspondence game. White launches an eight-Pawn(!!) attack against Graham's Nimzovitch Defence. He leaves a lot of holes that Graham fills in with his pieces. "Total destruction" in just 20 moves!

1982-05-14 - Buck, M 0-1 Wood, Michael

A classic Mike Wood game in his pet Moller variation against the Ruy Lopez. But there's a surprise at the end!