
Downend & Fishponds Chess Club




Walley 1-0 Morris

2022-05-25 - Walley, Clive 1-0 Morris, Mark

[Event "Downend v Bath KO Final 2022"] [Site "Cross Hands"] [Date "1986.05.25"] [Round "5"] [White "Walley, Clive"] [Black "Morris, Mark"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "B32"] [Annotator "Tipper, Dave"] [PlyCount "45"] [EventDate "2022.05.25"] 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 e5 5. Nb5 d6 6. a4 Be7 7. N1c3 a6 8. Na3 f5 9. Bd3 f4 10. g3 Nf6 11. gxf4 exf4 12. Bxf4 Ng4 13. Nc4 O-O 14. Bg3 Nxf2 15. Bxf2 Rxf2 16. Qh5 Bh4 17. O-O-O Qg5+ (17... Bg5+ $1 18. Kb1 g6 {traps whites queen !}) 18. Qxg5 Bxg5+ 19. Kb1 Bf4 20. Rhf1 Rxf1 21. Rxf1 Bxh2 22. Nb6 Rb8 23. Bc4+ 1-0

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